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Working at Synnix

Synnix is a recognized expert in Smart Card Reader technology. Our products range from Smart Card Reader chip to Smart Card Reader module and varied software support, as well as customer design device support. The burgeoning demand for these products from our customers around the globe means we need to grow our existing team.

Being in a fast-paced competitive industry where there is constant challenge and technological advancement means we work hard at Synnix. It also means that there are lots of interesting, varied projects and opportunities, waiting for us to conquer with our great enthusiasm hard to achieve our goals.


Are You Synnix?

The type of people with talent and skills we look for our team at Synnix generally have a degree in electronic engineering or computer science. They've got hardware design experience or software engineering and we do everything from developing and design the hardware applications through total solution for our customer.



Synnix是智能卡讀卡器技術的專家。 我們的產品範圍從智能卡讀卡器晶片到智能卡讀卡器模組和各種軟件支持,以及客製化設計。 我們全球客戶對這些產品的需求日益增長意味著我們需要發展現有團隊。

在快節奏的競爭行業中,不斷挑戰和技術進步意味著我們在Synnix上努力工作。 這也意味著有很多有趣的,多樣化的項目和機會,等待著我們以極大的熱情來實現我們的目標。



Synnix 在尋找具有電子工程或計算機科學學位或有硬體設計經驗或軟體工程技能的人才加入我們的團隊。


加入 Synnix

Synnix是智能卡读卡器技术的专家。 我们的产品范围从智能卡读卡器芯片到智能卡读卡器模块和各种软件支持,以及客制化设计。 我们全球客户对这些产品的需求日益增长意味着我们需要发展现有团队。




Synnix 在寻找具有电子工程或计算器科学学位或有硬件设计经验或软件工程技能的人才加入我们的团队。


About Synnix

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